Enclosed is a letter from a client which we were very pleased to receive, thank you very much!
I’m sitting here thinking about a situation that happened at our house this morning and I want to share it with you.
“Dad, what knife do you have with you today?”
This is exactly the question my eldest 5-year-old son asked me this morning as I was about to set off for work. Even though I was already running a bit late. For such an important question you just take your time, I thought to myself. I pulled the Victorinox Money Clip Alox out of my pocket. The answer from my son came promptly:
“Dad, you can’t take that knife with you. You already had it with you yesterday…”
So together we made our way to our sideboard, which currently holds a small part of my knife collection. He examined the knives and said:
“This one suits today much better.”
And thrust the Victorinox Pioneer Alox pocket knife into my hand. After the subject of pocket knives was settled, I was then allowed to drive to work. On the way to work, I reflected on the situation again. It’s amazing how much you shape your children, even if you don’t realise it. Knives, watches and purses have always been fascinating and interesting to me. Back then, when MacGyver pulled out his Swiss Army knife, I was glued to the tube TV and wanted to have one of those knives. It gives me immense pleasure when I see and experience how my children are interested in the same things I am interested in. Or the other way round, when I can get my children excited about the same things that have fascinated me since I was a child. And let’s be honest, as a father, what could be better than seeing your child’s eyes light up when they get excited about something?